Nationwide Hotel and Event Center

Location: Lewis Center, Ohio


Completed: XXXX


The Nationwide Hotel and Event Center is a multi-use corporate and event campus located on 15 acres north of Columbus, Ohio. The facilities located on the campus consist of a 190 guest room hotel, indoor and exterior swimming pools, multiple ballrooms, training rooms, offices, dining rooms and a freestanding pub.

 The original small campus was constructed in the early 1960’s.  Acock Associates, working with Nationwide Realty Developers, transformed the once aging training buildings into the manicured, modern destination center it is now.  Traditional forms, hand moulded brick, and cut limestone reinforce this pedestrian scaled campus with rich textures and color. New and renovated buildings, supportive of the original Georgian architectural style, are linked together with outdoor landscaped paths and spaces.

This transformation of the Nationwide Hotel and Event Center spanned over a decade, as the master plan was ultimately achieved. 

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